Basic Training in Healing
The Father’s heart is to see His children walking in complete physical, spiritual, and emotional health…He is a Healer! Our mission is to bring the healing and restorative touch of God from the heavenly realm into the everyday lives of people.
Healing Testimonies
…for I am the LORD, who heals you. Exodus 15:26

Joints Healed

Spine Healed

Hip Healed

Shoulder Healed
Healing Teams
The Healing Teams are faith-filled, anointed, and enthusiastic men and women who know that Jesus Christ still heals, restores, and delivers today!
The Healing Teams meet every Sunday after the second service. We minister in front of the Art Wall in the Atrium from the end of service until 1:30 pm. One of our Captains will seat you and assign you to a prayer team for ministry. We also have informative Prayer Cards available to take with you afterwards.
We encourage you to attend one of our many conferences where the Healing Team ministers. If that is not possible, we have teams who make prayer calls or even set up Zoom appointments.
Yes! We have a team that prays over every prayer request. Message us via the contact form below.
First, we ask that you are a part of the local MorningStar Fellowship Church. We have an application to complete which includes three reference checks and an interview with the Healing Team leadership. We require you to watch all five of our “Basic Training in Healing” videos. Once that is completed, you will then be assigned a team. We have four teams for the four Sundays of a month and we ask that you be faithful to your assigned team. Anyone may also minister with another team on any given Sunday. At first, you will be partnered and mentored by one of our seasoned members until you are released for ministry. The Healing Team meets regularly for our Healing Team Connect Group where we provide additional information and training. The application is available online.
We pray with individuals
• After Sunday services
• During conferences
• At special events
• On social media

Freedom Teams
The Freedom Team ministers emotional healing and deliverance through individual prayer appointments. Our team members are highly trained, prophetically gifted, and compassionate towards those who are seeking freedom from emotional trauma and demonic influence.

Currently, we are only ministering to the members of our local church in Fort Mill. Please contact us at freedom@mstarm.org. We have a Personal Intake Form for you to complete and send back. Once we receive your form, we will schedule a 90-minute appointment. We meet on Monday evening, Tuesday afternoon, Thursday evening, and occasionally a Saturday morning. We are a safe place, everything remains confidential, and we are led by the Holy Spirit in ministry.
We are looking for people who have had experience in emotional healing and deliverance to become Freedom Team members. Our people have training with Christian Healing Ministries (Judith McNutt), Ken Fish, and other reputable Christian organizations. We do provide basic training in emotional healing and deliverance and welcome new members from that training platform.