You’re 50+ and are ready for more. You’ve learned a lot and lived through even more. Now you want to step into the fullness of your calling at this powerful period of your life. 50+ at MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill, South Carolina is for you. We meet regularly to affirm and support each other, provide on-ramps to other areas of ministry at MorningStar, and help 50+ers flow in the life of the church. We know God is calling us to even greater things, and we are ready. We’re discovering these are God’s best years for us!
Our Purpose
We build community in our age group and support each other in what God has called each of us to do.
- We connect with each other.
- We support each other.
- We challenge each other to walk in the fullness of our callings.
- We commit to making a difference in the world around us and in the world at large.

- We plan a variety of activities to offer a variety of ways to connect with each other. Some are small, like having lunch with friends. Some are planned for the whole group, such as excursions to nearby places or game nights. We normally plan one major activity a month and a few small events. We want to have enough activities that 50+ers can choose what they want to attend and what they want to pass on.
- 50+ also emphasizes spiritual enrichment and outreach. At times we have 50+ worship nights, and we let 50+ers know where they might want to use their skills and talents within MorningStar.
50 Up Club
We have created the 50 UP Club to help 50+ers at MorningStar connect in new and better ways. This is for both Men and Women.
Our 50+Ministry “Blessing Generation” is a community in our age group that connects, plans social events, supports, and challenges each other and commits to making a difference in our world. In “Rising Knights,” we connect with younger fathers and their sons for monthly meetings, we give generational blessings at Morning Star conferences, “Heavenly Hosts” act as spiritual grandparents to MSU students by praying, sending love gifts, prophesying, and just being there for them, the “Gabriel Project” goes to elementary grades at our K-12 school to connect the generations, plus we have an annual 50+ Gathering that brings many from several states to a two-day impactful meeting. Those interested in joining, assisting, or participating in the 50+ ministry should send their name, phone number, and email address to John Boneck at