“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all Sin.”
— 1 John 1:7
We exist as a church without walls, fellowshipping with each other and engaging heaven in a variety of locations and in diverse environments. Our pursuit is always to love God and His people. Loves is what makes ministry effective, and the greater the love the greater the impact.
Local Connect Groups
Our mission is to prepare new wineskins for the new wine of His presence for the Harvest. We do this by having intimate relationship with Jesus and helping others to know Him intimately (Koinonia). Connect Groups reach beyond ourselves to bring new life through discipling others.
The local Connect Groups are in-person gatherings. The local connect groups are located in and around the Fort Mill, SC / Charlotte, NC area. The remote connect groups are in-person gatherings located in other parts of the United States.
Regional Connect Groups
Connect in person with people in their region to develop Koinonia and loving on those who are like minded and are plugged into MorningStar ministries
The regional connect groups are in-person gatherings located in other parts of the United States..
Online Connect Groups
Connect to other like-minded people through Online Connect Groups wherever you are located geographically. We have groups all over the USA and the world, and we are adding members every week.
Online Connect Groups are groups that connect via the Internet. Individuals in their own homes connect using Skype or other platforms for video chat. You do that simply by using your phone or a computer. Connection is weekly or biweekly at a set time and day.
If you need assistance in finding a local, regional connect group, please reach out to us. Please send us your name, location and phone number to get in touch with you.
If you are already part of a MorningStar Connect group, and now would like to lead or start a connect group, please reach out to us to be trained to become a Connect Group leader.
If you are interested in joining an online connect group, simply send your name, location (for the purpose of selecting a time zone), and a little bit about your connection to MorningStar
- Connect Group Ministry Overseers
- Belmont NC
- Charlotte NC
- Clover, Lake Wylie
- Fort Mill SC
- Gastonia, NC
- Huntersville, NC
- Indian Land SC / Waxhaw NC
- Pineville, NC
- Ministry-Specific
- Ministry Training
- Online Connect Group
- Raleigh, NC
FAMILY, FUN, FELLOWSHIP | David & Diann Burton
We desire this Connect Group to be a place where people can connect with the heart of Jesus, understand and to come into their destinies.
◷ Contact us for meeting time & location.
✉ dburtone@gmail.com
BIBLE STUDY | Pastor James Bacon
To pastor CG leaders in Gaston County & Lake Wylie area. Here to serve, pray for and assist CG leaders.
◷ Thursdays at 7:00, 1017 Moonlight Mist Rd, Belmont, NC
⚐ Belmont, NC ✆ (704)461-8866 ✉ jimacon1935@gmail.com
APOSTOLIC & PROPHETIC | Edgar & Indira Persad
We come together at a different location once a month, currently using Skype as a communication tool. We equip and mobilize leaders/potential leaders to plant teams/churches via biblical teaching, training, and the prophetic.
◷ Contact us for meeting information. Skype available.
✆ (704)493-7970 ✉ wowj316@yahoo.com
FAMILY, FUN, FELLOWSHIP | Alex & Lena Atamanskiy
Learn to Love! We are Russian-Americans who have an “open house”. You are welcome here, kids included! We will cry and laugh together, share pain and joy, and go through mistakes and successes together! You will share here your wisdom, revelation, food, and happiness! Learn about money, business, parenting, homeschooling, everyday life, witnessing, spiritual gifts, and your purpose – while getting closer to the Lord Jesus Christ – as one!
◷ Thursdays at 7:00, 7300 Captain Neal Ln, Charlotte NC 28273
⚐ Belmont, NC ✆ (704)219-0700 ✉ alex.atamanskiy@gmail.com, yatamanskiy@gmail.com
PURSUING THE LORD | Deidra Gillislee Mebane
Pursuing the Lord through Devotion, Prayer, Journaling and Fellowship! Bring your Bible, Favorite Devotional book and Journal! Bring your favorite breakfast food or beverage!
◷ 1st Tuesday of the month, 9:00-11:00 AM, 13123 Asheford Woods Ln, Charlotte, NC 28278
⚐ Charlotte, NC ✆ (980) 395-0256 ✉ silentdovehouse@gmail.com
MEN – THE VAULT | Edgar Persad & Steven Paris
Our hope with this connect group is to direct men’s hearts towards prayer and God’s Word for us as sons of God. This will be a Holy Spirit led group where we seek God’s heart like David.
◷ 1st Saturday of the month, 9:00 AM. Contact us for date & location
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (803) 650-0690 (Steven) ✆ (704) 650-0690 (Edgar) ✉ stevencjp@gmail.com
FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP | Jason & Sommer Channell
Grow as disciples in every aspect of life.
◷ 1 Friday a month. Clover/Lake Wylie – 29710 (Contact us for date & location)
✆ (704) 689-3874 ✉ jchann1981@gmail.com
Keeping our eyes on God and all the things He is doing in our lives. This kind of faith attracts Holy Spirit, so we have a lot of praise reports and not complaints.
◷ 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 3:00 PM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (678)858-1177
To teach and support Youth and young adults, who aspire to be entrepreneurs in business or ministry, from MorningStar’s Global Community.
◷ Tuesdays 5:00 PM, MStar Situation Room
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (704)231-5244 ✉ RGirgis@mstarm.org
BIBLE STUDY| Brandon & LaSaunda Logan
To collectively encounter the Lord through prayer, scripture & worship. To also equip the Body through the prophetic.
◷ 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 PM, 4088 Sherri Lane, Fort Mill, SC
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (704)712-7518 ✉ b.supernatural@gmail.com
To help people progress in growing to maturity in Christ. There is teaching, Q&A and prayer
◷ Fridays 6:30-8:15 PM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (904)252-2416 ✉ jpowell133@gmail.com
PRAYER, ENCOURAGEMENT & FUN (Adults Only) – BIBLE STUDY | Carolyn O’Connor
To intercede for our nation, prophetic prayer, optional Generals DVDs/food.
◷ Once a week (contact for day) 5:00-6:30 PM, MorningStar Heritage Lounge
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ carolynoco5@gmail.com
Learn how to enjoy the Christian life, grow strong in faith and grow in your relationship with God to become unshakeable. *Workbook required.
◷ 1st & 3rd Thursdays 7:00-8:30 PM, MorningStar Room 101
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ michele24@protonmail.com
RUN, WALK – Bible Study | Eric & Sarah Allers
Help people of any age to pursue physical and spiritual fitness
◷ Second Mondays 6:30 PM, Contact for location
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (607)280-2463 ✉ ericallers@gmail.com
FEARLESS PROPHETIC EVANGELISM – Healing and Evangelism| Michael & Sharon Carlo
Prayer group for those with a heart for prophetic evangelism, to strengthen healing gifts and connecting with Holy Spirit.
◷ Saturdays 2:00-5:00 PM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (828)719-1763 ✉ 2020faithwalker@gmail.com
Come and engage with other believers who delight in the Word of God. Wednesdays 10 AM
◷ Wednesdays 10:15 AM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ mfphillips1@gmail.com
THE CHILDREN’S BREAD – FAMILY | Lorraine Martinson & Susan Hannah
We will love, support, and encourage one another; and learn about and engage in spiritual warfare for our traumatized kids and our families.
◷ 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM, MorningStar Vision room
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (704)281-0389 ✉ rainieMartinson@gmail.com
Discipling/mentoring young men (18+) who need fathering to know and walk in Heavenly Father’s love, identity and purpose for their lives.
◷ Thursday 6:30-8:30 PM, MorningStar Vision Room
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (704)425-7364 ✉ ccp123ccp@gmail.com
Investment with insight
◷ Saturdays 10:00 AM, MorningStar Dogwood room
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ kenstor@gmail.com
BIBLE STUDY | Cynthia Johnson
Biblically Overcome Grief
◷ One Saturday a month 2:00 PM, Kingsley by the pool
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ happycindy65@gmail.com
LAUNIS BIBLE STUDY | James & Madeline Launius
Create a community for young Christians to walk through life together.
◷ Bi-weekly Saturday 6:30 PM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ jlaunius27@gmail.com
TRUTH & LOVE – Family | Michael and Jing Masonis
To learn the Chinese language to reach the Chinese community.
◷ Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM, Contact us for Location
⚐ Gastonia, NC ✆ (442) 515-0192 ✉ uslions@yahoo.com
FAMILY FELLOWSHIP | Kevin & Vikki Watanabe
We are a group that loves to come together as a family. We will be studying books of the Bible as well as how the US constitution was built on the principals of the Bible.
◷ Sundays at 4:30 PM. Contact us for Location
⚐ Huntersville, NC ✆ (704) 340-1934 ✉ Kkwatanabe@usa.com
FAMILY | Jojy & Shiby Mathew
Focused on drawing closer to God and fellowship with one another. We hope to be a place of healing, rest and restoration.
◷ Friday 6:30 PM, Contact for location
⚐ Waxhaw, NC ✆ (214)733-4877;(214)733-6923 ✉ jojyshiby@gmail.com
Providing a safe place for the Body of Christ and doing life together.
◷ Bi-weekly Saturdays 6:00 PM, Contact for location
⚐ Waxhaw, NC ✆ (284)672-3112 ✉mdpelletier09@yahoo.com
PRAYER| Gabriella Marcum
Evangelism in our community – emotional support.
◷ Contact for information
⚐ Pineville, NC ✆ (518)569-1847 ✉ bugmanrog@gmail.com
These Connect Groups are facilitated by the ministries of MorningStar Fellowship Church. They exist for Training in ministry or to strengthen and provide fellowship with a specific demographic within the church.
YOUNG LEADERS & PASTORS | Pastor Ron & DeeDee Phillips
◷ Tuesdays 12:15-1:15 PM, Contact for location
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (704)995-1507 ✉ ronphillips77@gmail.com
50+ MINISTRY | John & Sandy Boneck
◷ Fridays 9:00-10:00 AM, Bob Jones Vision Center (BJVC)
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (803)802-5544 x 377 ✉ 50+office@mstarm.org
◷ Tuesdays 6-7 PM & Thursdays 9-11 AM, Bob Jones Vision Center (BJVC)
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ rrummage@mstarm.org
This community of men is devoted to awakening and restoring the masculine heart through Bible study, book study, and shared life experiences. We as a group invite men to live life as an adventure, passionately loving and following God—free of fear—just as Father God always intended for us!
◷ Sundays 5:00 PM, MorningStar MSU; Fridays 6:30-8:00 PM, Partners Lounge
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (518)569-1847 ✉ tim@northernpine.net
ARMY’S RISING | Doug Glidden
To bring brothers together to discover what true brotherhood is and to be “sons” of God the Father.
◷ Sundays 5:00-8:00 PM , MorningStar MSU
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (803)280-2550 ✉ duglor99@yahoo.com
GIANT SLAYERS | Darnell “Cap” Hart
To awaken the giant slayer within our hearts. We will run forth, throw the rock, our aim will be true. We will not miss. We will not lose.
◷ Thursdays 6:30 PM, Contact for location
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (843)259-2311 ✉ hart2heart16inc@gmail.com
◷ Contact us for more information
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ family@mstarm.org
MORNINGSTAR YOUNG ADULTS | Pastors Chase & Beth Laney
This groups focus is on training, activating, and practicing our gifts in a safe environment, for the purpose of continual spiritual growth, maturity, and accuracy in hearing God’s voice and growing in intimacy with Him through the Holy Spirit. The fellowship and fun we have is an important part of the growing process.
◷ Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, Partners Lounge
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (828)442-0593 ✉youngadults@mstarm.org
MORNINGSTAR YOUTH| Sean Rathbun & Sharrona Watson
This groups focus is on training, activating, and practicing our gifts in a safe environment, for the purpose of continual spiritual growth, maturity, and accuracy in hearing God’s voice and growing in intimacy with Him through the Holy Spirit. The fellowship and fun we have is an important part of the growing process.
◷ Tuesdays 6:30 PM, Contact for location
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ youth@mstarm.org
SHINE is a vital part of our family ministry that is building a sisterhood and alliance to strengthen the vision, gifts, and ministries of women in the church. We are a gathering of women who desire to hear the call of the Creator and know their purpose for this hour. We are women who want to know the why of what we’re doing and understand the times that we live in. We are women who are graced to transform the world around us. This is the time for women to SHINE!
◷ 3rd Sunday 7:30pm, Partner’s Lounge
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ msladies@mstarm.org
PROPHETIC | Seyi & Angela Olurotimi
This groups focus is on training, activating, and practicing our gifts in a safe environment, for the purpose of continual spiritual growth, maturity, and accuracy in hearing God’s voice and growing in intimacy with Him through the Holy Spirit. The fellowship and fun we have is an important part of the growing process.
◷ 2nd Monday 7-8:30pm, MorningStar Vision Room
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (704)650-6677; (704)650-6676 ✉ seyi@seyiandangela.com, angela@seyiandangela.com
50+ | John & Sandy Boneck
As fathers and mothers in the Lord, we stand with each other and call the generations into kingdom life and purpose.
◷ Fridays 9:00-10:00 AM, MorningStar Bob Jones Vision Center
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (773)456-5237 ✉ 50+office@mstarm.org
DELIVERANCE MINISTRY | Pam & Paul Palagyi and John & Sandy Boneck
The Freedom Team ministers emotional and inner healing and deliverance in personal, confidential appointments. We are selective in our membership and are looking for mature individuals with a heart to see people set free.
◷ Contact us for times
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ freedom@mstarm.org
HEALING MINISTRY | Pam & Paul Palagyi
Monthly meeting of Healing Team for information and training.
◷ Contact us for times
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ Healing@mstarm.org
DREAM TEAM| Constance Hemphill
Listening to the Lord and learning how to interpret dreams through practice.
◷ Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (980)422-6245 ✉ dreamteams@mstarm.org
Evangelism and outreach teams, fellowship and training.
◷ 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7:00-9:00 PM, MorningStar
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ Jesusteams@mstarm.org
HEART Seekers 24-7 (Advancing Art) | Donna Mims
◷ 3rd Monday 7:30-10:00 PM, Bob Jones Vision Center
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (912)288-3907 ✉ donna@heartsunitedstudio.com
PROPHETIC | Kathleen Flory
◷ 3rd Sunday 1:30-3:30 PM
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ eaglemissions77@gmail.com
This groups focus is on training, activating, and practicing our gifts in a safe environment, for the purpose of continual spiritual growth, maturity, and accuracy in hearing God’s voice and growing in intimacy with Him through the Holy Spirit. The fellowship and fun we have is an important part of the growing process.
◷ 1st & 3rd Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM, MorningStar Vision Room
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (803)357-2371 ✉ warrior4J7@gmail.com
KINGDOM ARTS | June Lizotte
Prophetic creativity training for worship and outreach – all artists will have the opportunity to paint in BJVC upon training.
◷ Contact for Info
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (503)310-8032 ✉ junelizotte@gmail.com
PROPHETIC – ONLINE | Catherine Martin, Ed & Lisa Sniadecki
We talk about what God is doing in our lives, perhaps the message from the previous Sunday, or issues relevant to members. The purpose is prayer, support, and encouragement for the members who are Moms with young children who find it hard to go to a Connect Group.
◷ Contact for Info
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ onlinecg@mstarm.org
To expand the Kingdom in Government
◷ Tuesdays 7:00 PM, Oak Boardroom
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✆ (803)547-8217 ✉ office@theoakinitiative.org
YOUNG LEADERS & PASTORS | Pastor Ron Phillips
◷ Tuesdays 12:15 – 1:15pm, Contact for location
⚐ Fort Mill, SC ✉ connect@mstarm.org
MorningStar appreciates each of our viewers whether they are watching Sunday services, Rick’s Rants or Raves, or Justin’s Supernatural Theology. We offer the opportunity for you to connect to other like-minded people through Online Connect Groups wherever you are located geographically. We have groups all over the USA and the world, and we are adding members every week.
Online Connect Groups are groups that connect via the Internet. Individuals in their own homes connect using Skype or other platforms for video chat. You do that simply by using your phone or a computer. Connection is weekly or biweekly at a set time and day. Each group has a designated leader who attends monthly leadership meetings and receives input from oversight; however, these sessions involve participation of every member in the group.
The groups are not informal chats, although people often need an opportunity to catch up with each other at the beginning of the meeting. The groups are opportunities to pray together, process the Sunday service, share testimonies, and exercise spiritual gifts depending on how the Holy Spirit leads. Well over 100 people already link this way and have developed close caring relationships, even praying for and encouraging each other during the week. The groups are similar to the round tables the Fort Mill congregation experiences, but last much longer usually between 1½ – 2 hours. We could share many testimonies of answered prayer and the Holy Spirit moving in these meetings.
If you are interested in joining a group, simply send your name, location (for the purpose of selecting a time zone), and a little bit about your connection to MorningStar to: onlinecg@mstarm.org
Raleigh Area Connect Group | Ben Hoyle
Encourage, Equip, Fellowship and Prayer
◷ 1012 Manchester Dr, Cary NC 27511
⚐ Cary, NC ✆ (919)272-0347 ✉ benhoyle3773@gmail.com